Rynda week 23 ending 5th of June 2014


New member
Houston, Houston!

This is Rynda! We are having wonderful time here…!

It would be difficult to have a more stark comparison of conditions at the start of Rynda’s 2015 season with those of 2014. Just a glance at the air and water temperatures suggests that friends about to return for a June week this year will be greeted by a very different picture from last year. With much snow already gone from the tundra, water levels a good 50-60 cm lower at Home Pool and consequently higher water temperatures, there is a reasonable expectation that by the middle of the month much fishing will be on floating lines. Difficult to reconcile with June 2014!

Whilst camp preparations are underway for next week’s first full complement of fishers to get the season properly underway, this week has seen a small number of old Rynda friends join us for a prologue to the season. In keeping with the conditions, for the first time in several seasons Sea Pool surrendered its role as venue for the opening fresh fish of the season to Rock Island.

Light rain this morning has given way to warm southerlies for the rest of the day and we’re full of anticipation for the first exploratory visit of the season to Zolotya tomorrow.
