Rynda week 24 ending 10th of June 2016


New member

As we say good-bye to another group of happy anglers we await our new group to kick of week 24 at Rynda.

For once the weather forecast was spot on predicting North Westerly winds up to 20 meters per second dropping the air temperature down to as low as 1 degree. The wind, combined with rain as well as scattered snowfall was going to make this week rather special to say the least.

This week we welcomed four new guests from different parts of the world who will be joining two guest that is staying another week. With good fishing reports for week 23 all the guests were eager to get their lines wet. After a delicious soup we were ready to take on the cold together with Atlantic Salmon.

Our Danish friend Anders didn’t hold back and kicked of his second week in great style by landing a beautiful 14lb fresh sealiced fish on his infamous “Jerk” fly fishing at Rock Island. Probably one of the most unique flies we have seen at Rynda, but the fish seem to agree in a very positive manner.

After a cold day out on the water there is nothing better than discussing the day’s fishing tales over a glass of red whine in the very cozy dining area with a central fireplace.

As the week went on we experienced somewhat similar weather for the first couple of days with the sun slowly starting to make an appearance every now and then. By now everyone has found their groove and landing some special fish.

Our Scottish friend Neil, under the guidance of highly experienced guide Yura, caught one fish in particular worth mentioning on the 3rd day. Yura had seen a big fish move in Croy pool and decided to spend some time in this area. Finally after a couple of casts the line went tight, fish on. For those of you who don’t know Croy pool, well, this pool is just above a shoot of Rapids that stretches for about 500m. Not the easiest of places to land a big fish.

As the story goes Neil had to try and stop this fish and decided to hold his reel in a final attempt to slow the bid silver fish down. After a serious tug of war Yura managed to slide the net under the fish. High fives all round confirmed it to be a true fish of a lifetime. After quick measurements calculations confirmed the fish to be 27lb’s.

This is the second biggest for the season, biggest being a 28.5lb fish also caught under the guidance of master guide Yura. Anders also managed to keep his rhythm in constantly landing fish throughout the week. His best for the week being a 20-pound fresh fish in Home pool. Well-done Anders.

Despite the harsh conditions after dinner each night half the group would head out once again to try and make the most of their week.

It wasn’t uncommon to find another couple of fish entries in the logbook the following morning. Neil decided to take on the mighty Rynda with his 7wt single hander and had great fun when hooking into a fresh sealiced 10 pound fish.* During the last day of fishing the power pair of Roger and Neil once again delivered the goods by landing a fish each over 20 pounds. A truly memorable day for them.

With all the rain and snow the water level has gone up from 1.06cm to 1.28cm throughout the week. The water temperature is now at 7 degrees, with the stable weather predicted we are expecting water levels to slowly go down as well as temperature going up. We are very excited to welcome 10 eager anglers tomorrow as fish have now started appearing above the falls.

Rynda team
