Rynda week 30 ending 25th of July


New member
Report by Simon Hughes.

The superb fishing of week 29 was always going to be hard to follow but*the team for last week made a commendable effort ending the week with a*total well into 3 figures.

A group substantially comprised of old Rynda stalwarts supplemented by*new friends Daniel and Francois, continued to fish the whole system all*the way up to Reindeer Crossing.

Shortly after arrival during the first few hours of an evening’s*fishing, we caught 10 salmon.

Although the bright sun for much of the week and the further rise in*water temperature to around 15C made the group work hard for their fish,*ingenuity of tactics and perseverance won out with a number of fish over*20lbs both landed and lost.

In particular, it was notable that many of these were from the upper*beats indicating that the big water of June had not stopped those big*fish coming into the system but had simply made them far more difficult*to locate.

Whilst many of the fish had now been in the system for a little while,*there were still fresh and sea-liced fish being caught all the way up to*Third Waterfall.The Five Pools complex with its wonderful variety of*water and pools, performed particularly well during the week.

The water lever at Zolotaya is still staying quite high, and Sean and*David who stayed there for night came back to Rynda with a wonderful*result – 11 salmon.

Almost all the fishing remained on the surface save for a few instances*of sink tips on the brightest of days as we tried to overcome the*reluctance of the fish to show themselves under the cloudless*skies.Hitched and conventional flies (Cascade, Willy Gunn, Green Butt,*Small Francis) as well as bombers all claimed their successes during the*week.

As the week ended, the weather was showing some sign of change with*strong winds accompanied by better cloud cover.With an absence of any*meaningful rain for some 3 weeks or so, the river is now at a level more*familiar to those Rynda regulars fishing the end of July each season.

If the change in weather brings a little fresh water into the system, we*should be able to look forward to finishing the last weeks before the*break with sustained good fishing and a total that will be significantly*up on the previous 2-3 years notwithstanding the challenging conditions*with which we started 2014’s campaign in June.

It was a particular pleasure to share a happy and successful week with*these old friends to Rynda, a sentiment echoed by Vladimir who himself*extended his own Rynda season this year to ensure that he was on hand to*welcome them back this season.

Simon and Nikolai​
