Rynda week 31 ending 1st of August


New member

This week Rynda has hosted a very interesting group of anglers from France. Most of them have never been at the Northern shore of Kola peninsula, and some have come for the salmon fishing for the first time.​

Of course, everybody admired the splendid scenery that greeted these new guests.

The weather has demonstrated all its diversity. After the sunny and warm Sunday, on Monday the weather has started to change. The wind turned to the North, and in the evening Rynda was shrouded with the strongest fog ever. A surrealistic view.​

Moreover, in Thursday our guests faced a very strong wind, but from the South. Welcome to the world of the Northern Kola in all its glory!​

The water temperature during the week has changed very little, staying in 12-13C range.

In spite of the rain that came with the change in the weather, by Friday the water level did not rise, it just simply stopped falling for a while. Now the water level is consistent with the average level for the end of July.​

The week was productive, and was memorable for the numbers of the lost fish which was understandable given that many anglers were often using surface flies. A few very good salmon were caught with Bomber.​


The fishing at Zolotaya was consistently good, and in the last day of fishing, Zolotaya gave us a wonderful 24-lbs salmon.

An excellent week, lots of jokes, cheerful free-and-easy communication, unquenchable fishing passion.

