River Dee 2014


New member
Well we do hope all our readers have had a wonderful festive season and we wish you all a happy new year and tight lines for 2014. No doubt some of you are now starting to plan ahead on how to get rid of this winters cabin fever by going fishing. The River Dee salmon fishing season opens on Saturday the 1st February and the first full week commences on Monday 3rd February. Now is the time to book your fishing whether for one day, 3 days or a week at one or more fishing beats, with or without your friends. There is a full list of availability located at www.fishdee.co.uk under Find Fishing, which offers a very tempting range of fishing opportunities for you to get out and enjoy some sport on the river bank. Its been a very mild and open winter so far and early season fish could easily be found as far upstream as Aboyne.

Now as there are a lot of tempting opportunities it is important to ensure you get suitable accommodation sorted out and there are a good amount of accommodation providers at www.fishdee.co.uk with hotels very popular in the early part of the season in and around the Banchory area. This is because historically the main run of early season fish are located in the Banchory Area. Hotels such as Tor Na Coille, Banchory Lodge, Raemoir House Hotel, The Burnett Arms, The Douglas and the ever popular British Legion will see many anglers meeting at the end of the day around the bars discussing their days sport, successes & failures and what tips they can pick up from other anglers about the latest killing pattern of fly etc.

The early bird catches the worm and the early bird will also be the first in the queue to hear about rods made available from all the FishDee Beats as well as all the fishing reports and prospects reports. Just fill in the subscription details here which is free of charge. I've just entered mine for the next two years, so as soon as anything that's of interest is made available-I will know about it first. Why don't you register too-its a smart move.

The river is running well above summer level as I write and gauges are rising in the lower catchment. The Sepa Gauges are reading 3 feet 4 inches at Mar Lodge and 5 ft 9 inches at Park. Water temps are likely to be around 40 Degrees Fahrenheit, mild for the time of year, and plenty big water will have allowed early running fish to migrate freely upstream.

Anglers will no doubt be getting their flies sorted out for the start of a new campaign with Tube flies the preferred option for many. Popular patterns include, Tosh, Monkey, Park Shrimp, Gold Willie Gunn, Ice maiden, Calvin's Shrimp and Allys Shrimp.

Visiting anglers to the river will see enhanced bio security measures in place as all beats have had disinfection kits provided. Anglers will need to follow the beat Ghillies instructions on disinfection, which will take a minimal period to carry out. As always to help us produce a weekly fishing report please let me know how you get on during your visit to the river by dropping me an e-mail to ken@riverdee.org with any news and pictures about your experiences. Ken Reid © FishDee Ltd