Rynda week 28 ending 8th of July 2016


New member

+34C in the shadow – it’s the least expected when you are in the tundra but*it’s exactly what happened here last week! As the result of the hottest and brightest weather, the water temp reached 19C. Speaking of*the hard fishing conditions, it’s worth to mention the great spirit of our anglers! We started fishing earlier in the morning and everyone was trying to do his best on the river.

The most common fishing techniques were ranged from snealdas down along the bottom to stripping sun rays and twitching Bombers across the surface to using long leaders and micro flees with red and green butts, however it was the Golden Killer that took the vast majority of the silver.

The fishing wasn’t easy, but everyone had their own highlights. Little Zolotaya river did very well this week. It’s time to

Palmi and Randy dedicated their week to the only surface fishing, no single time using a wet fly. They had a lot of fun rising, landing, more often loosing fish. Due to the fishing on the surface flies, we had quite a big number of fish that didn’t reach the guide’s net. Hello, Mike!

Vladimir joined us for this week, and despite of only 3 days fishing because of the bad shoulder*he*managed to add 9 fish to the Rynda Fishing book. One evening Vladimir invited all the guests to his house, and we spent a wonderful time all together with lots of fishing stories around.

In spite of the hard conditions, our team managed to land 89 salmon, and we had lots of fun here last week!
