Tyne Angler Scale Sampling Programme. August 2012


Upstream counts August 2012

The upstream count for August was 5,445, bringing the total for the year to 13,287. The count for August is the sixth highest in our records and is higher than the long-term average (4,566) lower than the five year average (5,738). The total for the year to the end of August was the seventh highest in our records and is between the five year (15,185) and long term (11,644) averages As in July, the highest August count (10,430) and the highest for the period January – August (23894) were both recorded in 2010. The upstream count for September up to approximately 5pm on the 6th is 1,060.

The highest daily, 586 was recorded on the 16th of the month. This count was recorded when there was a modest increasing river levels and corresponding fall in water temperature. Throughout the month we saw periods of high and moderate river level, also river temperature was also relatively constant until the 21st when it started to cool. Notably the cooling at the end of the month resulted in the counts being highly responsive to changes in river level, with modest peaks in activity the day following the higher water events. However, the two high water events after the 17th both showed little change in the number of upstream counts recorded each day. Although the river temperature had begun to fall by the 23rd, the rise in the upstream counts that day occurred during a modest rise in levels.

Just like July, the vast majority of upstream counts were recorded in August between 5am and 5pm. Again, this can only be attributed to the higher than usual river levels and the lower than usual river temperatures. As indicated last month, similar patterns are observed through out the year but these are usually reserved to the cooler months of spring and autumn.

Further details of the daily upstream counts for 2012 and historic monthly counts can be found by following the link below:

Environment Agency - River Tyne fish counts

If you are not already aware, we have a system on the internet that will allow you to check river levels before you head out. Please follow the link below:

Environment Agency - River and sea levels

Angler Scale Sampling Programme 2012

During August, we received 91 scale samples from salmon and 25 from sea trout. Of the salmon samples, just over 57% came from came from multi sea winter (MSW) summer fish, 39% from one sea winter (1SW) fish or grilse and only about 4% came from early running or spring fish. In terms of size the 1SW fish sampled have ranged in size from 3 to 7lbs, the later running 2SW fish were from 7lbs to 18lbs and the only 3SW later running fish weighed 21lbs. This fish was caught near to the beginning of the month at Haydon Bridge on the River South Tyne.

Of the sea trout samples that have been read, All but one has come from sea trout returning to attempt spawn for the first time. The only fish returning more than once was caught around the middle of the month at Hexham and it weighed approximately 11lbs. Hopefully it will spawn successfully and escape back to sea to return yet again.

So far, in 2012, we have received 252 scale samples from salmon, 81 from sea trout and the one unknown sample remains unknown. The samples we have received this season have come from 31 different fishing beats and from 127 different anglers.

If you are sending in some scales, please place them in a paper envelop including the place and date of capture and species. If you need some scale packets, we can send some out to you. We would also be grateful if you could give an estimate of weight and or length. If you wish to receive details of the scale reading, remember to add your name and address.

If you would like further details of the Angler Scale Sampling Programme or the Tyne Angler Logbook scheme please call the environmental monitoring team on 0191 203 4140 or drop me an email morton.heddell-cowie 'at' environment-agency.gov.uk.

Many thanks for your support
