About salmon fishing on the Stjørdal River


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Stjørdal River, with its tributaries Forra and Sona, is regarded among the best fly-fishing rivers in Norway. It offers a total of 50 kilometres of high quality fishing and bears many similarities with River Tweed in Scotland. The river is a part of the huge Trondheim-fjord basin and is among the approx. 30 rivers that will benefit hugely from the buy-out for bag-net-fishing in the Trondheim fjord and nearby coastal areas. Indications from the 2005 season show higher average weight, a marked turnaround of river-caught salmon compared with net-caught on a ration of 2:1 in 2005 compared with 1:2 in 2004.

The Stjørdal River, as most rivers in the Central Norway region, is well known for its big salmon and every year as a good number of 15-20 kilos salmon are caught. Early June is the right time for challenging the 40-pounders on the lower parts of the river – coming in fresh from the sea. There are normally good runs of medium size and grilse during July and well into August. Over the last decade, good river management has provided a very good return of salmon and the river consistently features among the 10 - 12 best rivers in Norway.