McNeil River


New member

Is the McNeil river in Alaska open to fishing? I know there are a lot of salmon run the river, but is the fishing restricted as I know the area is classed as a game and refuge sanctuary.
It is just a matter of interest.

Hi Mitch,

McNeil River is indeed a fish factory and the fishing below the falls is outstanding. When I was there in the 70's you could fish. You would fly in with your own plane and fish with the bears. I couldn't find any information about fishing now but it seems it is restricted. You have to enter a drawing in order to get access and it is very restricted as to where you can go. You must be accompanied by a Fish and Game officer and I just don't see them letting you fish. There is a huge concentration of bears at the falls and human visitors are only allowed at specific viewing locations. It is amazing how close you are to the bears and they just ignore you. I an talking within casting distance. No one has ever been attacked since it has been a refuge.

It is an unique experience but there are better places to go for fishing even if they would allow you to fish.


New member
Hello Frank

Im not from Alaska, more like the sunny UK.
Alaska always interests me in all kind of ways, fishing mostly, always reading about this and that about the country. Maybe one day I`ll get there, just out of curiousity (seeing that you used to live there) what river do you really like there?

Hi Nok,

That is a tough question. There are so many rivers and creeks that I don't know if I can choose a favorite. Fishing Alaska is all about being at the right place at the right time. My partner and I were lucky to have our own planes so many favorite spots were in the bush. Most of my favorite spots were only available by boat or plane.

A local river where the salmon are running can become a favorite for a few days. Some of the places that my wife and I fished together were very special places. If you study the Atlas Map of Alaska you can't go wrong fishing any of the rivers listed. Some are so remote that the only way to fish them is with a guide or outfitter. Even with our own plane we couldn't go everywhere due to the lack of fuel.
