river torridge update: tues 21st Dec.

Charles Inniss

New member
Hi folks: may I be the first to pass on the compliments of the season to you all. Today is the shortest day of the year so things can only get better from now on!! Like everywhere else its been a long cold and snowy start to the winter here in Devon. Spawning activity along the river seems to have been rather disappointing, but maybe with the cold water temp. its all happening rather later than usual. We have successfully stripped two of the three hens we have been holding at the hatchery and are hoping to strip the third tomorrow: weather permitting. So far we have about 18,000 eggs laid out in the egg box trays so with a bit of luck should end up with over our target figure of 20,000. There was an exceptionally severe frost last Thursday and one of the inlet pipes and the outflow to the broodstock tank both froze solid. The second inlet pipe we had installed prevented a major disaster!! Have a great Xmas. Charles.